Thursday, February 4, 2010

Once upon a time...

in a far off land...

There is a young girl named Cinderella...Cinderella is infact me! I am a senior in my high school and i cannot wait to graduate!!!!! it is becoming so close i can taste it! let me tell you a bit about cinderella...♥born: June 19,1992♥ lives: in a land far far away ♥ loves: friends, family, clothes, ocean, HEAT, cities, movies, etc♥hates: birds, potato salad, etc ♥
I also love to write...i write about everything in my life pretty much. It is just much fun and when i can't vent to anyone, i put it in writing. oh...some of my favorite shows include: American Idol (so beware when it becomes farther in...i might put lots of info), Lost (which i just saw the premiere of the sixth season and LOVED IT!!), and Glee (i CANNOT wait until season two starts in april!!)
so anyways...back to my story. Cinderella decided to start a blog about her senior year....hott guys, dramatic girls...all of the lovely stuff that comes with the high school life.
so come...follow my life...and may you be surprised ♥

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